​Ticket To Ride SARDINIA
The Sardinia map
First of all some details:
- the map size is 50x70 cm
- the Cities on the map are 45
- the map contains 268 car spaces (20 black, 21 white, 21 yellow, 21 red, 21 pink, 22 green, 22 orange, 23 blue and 97 grey)
- in 2 or 3 Players games each player can start with a reserve of 45 cars (as usual)
- in 4 or 5 Players games I suggest to reduce the reserve to 40 cars
- ​the map can be played with the original rules of TTR Europe but I recommend to try my custom rules
- a Summary is located in the lower right angle of the map and in addition I created also a ​duble sided Summary card​
The double sided Summary card
Ferry routes
Overseas Cities/Countries legend
Ferry routes are easily identified by the Ship symbol featured on one of the spaces
making the route. To claim a Ferry Route, a player must play a Locomotive card for each Ship symbol on the route, and the usual set of cards of the proper color for the remaining spaces. Round icons with letters or flags represent the oversea Cities/Countries reachable from the sardinian seaports​ (a useful legend is present on the left side of the map). Example: claiming Ferry Route from Porto Torres to Genova requires 3 orange Train cards and a Locomotive card.​
Building routes and Tunnels
Part of the Summary on the map
Building Routes
Some Routes present on the map don't exist in the real geography. These Routes are marked by the Railway symbol on at least one of the spaces making the route. To claim a Building route, a player must play specific Materials cards for each Railway symbol on the route, in addition of the usual set of colored cards. Read the Materials section for detailed explanations! A player that claim this route gains +2 extra points for each Railway symbol on the route (as shown in the Summary).​
Tunnels are clearly identified by the Tunnel symbol featured on some spaces and these work just like the Railway spaces. To claim a route with Tunnels, a player must play specific Materials cards for each Tunnel symbol on the route, in addition of the usual set of colored cards. Read the Materials Section​ for detailed explanations!​ A player that claim this route gains +3 extra points for each Tunnel symbol on the route ​(as shown in the Summary).​