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​Ticket To Ride SARDINIA
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Sardinia Express Ticket
​As the original TTR Games, at the end of game players can score bonus points. I created 3 Bonus Tickets: choose one to customize your game...or use two or three together for a very exciting game!​
Sardinia Express
This bonus ticket works like the European Express bonus in TTR Europe:
- ​the player(s) who have the Longest Continuous Path on the board gain +10 bonus points (see original rules for more details).
Sardinia Touring Ticket
Sardinia Ferries Ticket
Sardinia Touring
This bonus ticket works like the Globetrotter bonus in TTR USA 1910 Expansion:
- ​the player(s) gain +15 bonus points for the Most Completed Tickets.​
Sardinia Ferries
A new Bonus Ticket to add more challange:
- ​the player(s) gain +10 bonus points for the Most Trains on Ferry Routes.​
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