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​​Welcome TTR Fans!


My name is Davide Fornasini, I'm an Italian fan of TTR Games. I love the island of Sardinia so much that I decided to create this unofficial map with some appealing new rules.


​Thanks to Day Of Wonder and to Alan R. Moon for creating TTR Games.​


If You are interested in the history of the Sardinian railways You will find useful links at bottom of page.


​​In this section You can find map details and preview, with explanation about new symbols  in the graphic design and relative rules​.       


In this section You can find Destination Tickets details and preview, with explanation about special tickets present in the deck.


In this section You can find Bonus Ticket details and preview, with explanation about a new bonus ticket I add for this map.


In this section You can find Materials cards details and preview, with explanation about this new deck of cards and relative rules.


​​In this section You can find all needed files to play TTR Sardinia.      


​​In this section You can write me questions or feedback about TTR Sardinia.     

Useful LINKS

--->  The official site of the great original game

--->  Some informations about the Sardinian railways

--->  Very detailed infos about the Sardinian railways

--->  The evocative and poetic turistic routes in Sardinia

--->  Tourism in Sardinia

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